Welcome to a new and very special addition to our website!
We feel that as B.B. has been suspended at the moment it would be good continue to communicate with each other. Some of you may have a bit more time on your hands, especially in the evenings as time spent with friends is no longer possible.
We will be updating this page with links to posts on our Blog, which will not only help us to communicate with each other but also give you ideas on how to spend that extra time at home. The items below are in reverse order, i.e. most recent one first.
(Refresh your web browser to ensure you're seeing the latest updates)
Sunday 8th November - Remembrance Sunday
Some of our younger boys took part in 'Remembrance on Your Doorstep'!
Sunday 14th June - Welcoming Junior Section Year Six to Company Section!
We are very excited about our new intake of lads from Junior Section, and as usual have asked them to join Company Section for the last few weeks of the year. This year with a difference of course.... on Zoom!
Monday 25th May - More Company Section VE Day 75 Pictures
Company & Seniors had a talk recently on VE day and the second world war. Take a look at some of the baking we did with wartime recipes!
Saturday 16th May - Company Section @ Home
Thanks to Callum and Harvey for sending in these pictures/video of what they've been up to.
Saturday 16th May - More VE Day Themed Pictures!
Take a look here at a couple of things our members have been up to on the theme of VE Day.
Sunday 10th May - Junior Section Get Creative!
Take a look at this post to see some great photos sent in from a couple of our Junior Section members, showing what they've been up to for the last few days.
Sunday 10th May - Weekly Devotionals from #BBatHome
This week's devotional talks are available on this blog post for both under and over 11 year old age groups. There's also a link to the BB Vimeo page where you can view ALL of the weekly talks.
Sunday 3rd May - BB is back!
Company and senior Sections have now returned to BB for our first ever 'virtual' BB evenings. See our blog post here
Sunday 12th April - Easter Day Updates
See what some of our BB family have been getting up to over the last few days with a number of updates here.
Sunday 12th April - Happy Easter - Christ is Risen!
Read the story of Easter Sunday from Matthew 28 here.
Friday 10th April - #BBatHome Week Four Activity Sheets Available
Week four activity sheets are now available for #BBatHome. Links available here
Friday 10th April - Devotional Videos for the Easter Weekend
Got to this blog post to watch the special #BBatHome Easter devotional videos. And don't forget you can view John's message recorded especially for us here.
Friday 10th April - Junior Section #BBatHome Pictures
More #BBatHome pictures, this time from Joshua in Junior Section.
Wednesday 8th April - More #BBatHome, Including Your Pictures
#BBatHome is now into it's third week. Click here for a quick update, and some pictures of what you've been up to.
Tuesday 7th April - Easter Message
As special video, especially for Company and Senior Sections (but everybody welcome!), with the Easter Message, delivered by our Chaplain John Goddard.
Sunday 5th April - Palm Sunday
Please do have a look at our very special blog post for a very special day! Palm Sunday.
Sunday 29th March - Mission Impossible (Junior Section)
Have a read of the conclusion of last term's devotions on the theme of Mission Impossible.
Saturday 28th March - BB's Got Talent!
#BBatHome has just launched a 'BB's Got Talent' competition! We would encourage all of our members to enter. Needless to say, you do it from home. More info on our blog post here.
Saturday 28th March - Weekly Devotion - #BBatHome on Vimeo
Why not take a moment to watch this video from BB at home - open for parents too!
Friday 27th March 2020 - You've Been Busy
We've had our first couple of pics through showing what you've been up to with #BBatHome. Keep them coming in.
Friday 27th March 2020 - #BBatHome Week Two!
Week two editions of the #BBatHome activity packs have just been released!
Thursday 26th March 2020 - Making Ventilators
Read about how one of our BB officers is helping work towards the design of a ventilator to be manufactured by Dyson to help in the battle against coronavirus... Link here.
Tuesday 24th March 2020 - Anchor Boy Superhero Pics!
Superheroes!!! Click here for some amazing superhero disguises from the Anchor Boys.
Tuesday 24th March 2020 - Anchor Boy Animal Experience
Calling all Anchor Boys!!! Check out some photos from the 'Animal Experience' here!
Sunday 22nd March 2020 - 'Let's Stay In Touch' and #BBatHome
So, what's new? Firstly, Boys' Brigade HQ have been busy putting together an initiative called #BBatHOME. They are producing weekly activity packs for each section. Week one has already been issued, and we've tried to summarise what it's all about here.
Have fun and stay safe!